Thursday, June 28, 2007

Letter to My Husband

I've recently read an article in the Christian magazine, Brio that's supposed to represent a letter from your future husband. While I was reading, I imagined that it was really him, and that he was thinking of my face when he was writing it. I imagined him smiling at the thought of us getting married. His main reasons for writing me was too tell me that he hoped I was keeping myself pure for him and to be dressing modestly for all the young men around me so that if it happened to be him passing me, that he'd notice me for my modest pureness, and not for the dirty thoughts that might tempt him. He also said that he's praying for me non-stop and hopes that I pray for him too. This is what I pray for him:

I pray that he'd be a man of God, and work hard on his relationship with Him. I pray that he'd make wise choices when it comes to dating other girls that he will also keep himself pure for me.

Also, I pray my heart out to God that if it's His will that I would be able to get married to just the right husband and that our marriage would be strong with His help.

Dee Dee

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I absolutly loooove brio!!! I loved that article too!!!